A Boy’s Summer: Fathers and Sons Together (signed)
Spence, Gerry
204 pp. Illus. Hardcover. Green, white, black and yellow print wrap. No dust jacket issued. Gerry Spence, father to six, grandfather to ten, is a man who knows intimately the joys of fatherhood and who writes beautifully and lyrically about how fatherhood allows a man to rediscover the boy within himself. This is a man who truly understands boys and how boys grow up to become men. Boys grow up by imitating their father—if, that is, the father spends enough time with his son. A Boy's Summer is a a book of short essays describing activities, adventures, and experiments that fathers and sons can do together, which take anywhere from an hour to an afternoon to a weekend—time that a father and son can spend together to discover themselves and the world around them. Mint condition. St. Martin’s, 2000. First Edition. Signed. $29.